The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.

Monday Jun 08, 2020
80: Black Voices Amplified - The Hard Truths Of Racism
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
"The hardest part in the aftermath has been determining how to raise my voice and protest. I find that my emotive side is ready to scream at the world while my internal deliberative voice is telling me to "mind my manners" or "remember you still need your job."
" That no matter what in 2020, we’re still treated as less than animals. That when I take off my military uniform I am George Floyd or Ahmaud Arbery."
" We are so easily killed and our lives have no value."
This week, we reached out to black family, friends, and colleagues so that we could tell their stories. In part 1, we amplify the hard truths that have emerged since the widely-broadcast murder of George Floyd as well as Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.
Resource mentioned:
Scene on Radio: Seeing White: https://www.sceneonradio.org/seeing-white/

Monday Jun 01, 2020
79: The Aftermath - Racism In America
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Today, we were short on groceries. No veggies left. No fruit. My vegan husband does not live well on pasta alone. So I put the kids down for a nap and went out back where Darryl was working on installing more pavers into our already fabulously-transformed backyard.
"Im heading to Publix."
"Ok," he said. "I'll check in on the kids."
Just then, we heard a loud POP POP POP POP POP ricochet throughout our neighborhood. Probably the neighbors shooting off their firecrackers, I thought, but my heart still shot up into my throat. I shook it off and pulled out of the driveway, onto our main drive. As I was going 25mph down our neighborhood drag, a cop flew into the neighborhood going probably 75mph, lights and siren on.
I panicked. I felt sick. I fought the urge to turn around and follow the cop. I didn't want my husband to think I was being melodramatic. I called him, he didn't answer. My mind raced. What if they see him, sweaty, in his workout gear on the side of the house from cutting pavers all day? What if they don't give him a chance to tell his story? What if I'm not there to vouch for him like the times I've had to in the past? What if the kids wake up and their dad is in the back of a cop car, or worse?
I couldn't help it. I made my way to the store and started shopping, reassuring myself with the name of Jesus for an hour and a half (but silently freaking out and trying to keep it all together)...
Hear more about today's incident from both of our perspectives and more about the aftermath of racism in America in this episode.
Episodes mentioned:
Being an Interracial Couple (episodes 1 through 4 on the top of our episodes page): https://www.successinblackandwhite.com/episodes
Scene on Radio: Seeing White: https://www.sceneonradio.org/seeing-white/

Monday May 18, 2020
78: A Conversation About Motivation
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
What motivates you? We talk about how we get motivated and stay motivated, including the times we aren't excited to finish a project or commitment.
Episodes mentioned:
How Perfectionism is Affecting Your Life: https://www.successinblackandwhite.com/episodes/episode/4191f7b4/60-how-perfectionism-is-affecting-your-life
Get Over the Bullshift: https://www.successinblackandwhite.com/episodes/episode/37c3ac7b/53-get-over-the-bull-shift
Let It Go: https://www.successinblackandwhite.com/episodes/episode/be18ee5e/63-let-it-go-letting-the-past-go
NEW: We've create an online community for interracial couples and multiracial families! Join our community here: Facebook Group

Monday May 11, 2020
77: Don't Get Taken Advantage Of
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Ooooooo, we've got a juicy one today! We call out the people on social media (and maybe even in your life!) who use emotional manipulation to take advantage of you during this time. If you've gotten hit up to buy products, take an online course, or even donate to a charity or else you're a "bad person" or "wasting your life", we're talkin' to you today.
If you prefer to watch rather than just listen, subscribe to our YouTube channel NOW! We started recording full episodes and you'll be able to watch us interact with each other and with you! Closed Captioning available. You can subscribe here: YouTube Channel - Success In Black and White.
NEW: We've create an online community for interracial couples and multiracial families! Join our community here: Facebook Group

Monday May 04, 2020
76: We Talk Self Care During COVID-19
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
We talk self care while staying home!! Tune in today.
NEW: We've create an online community for interracial couples and multiracial families! Join our community here: Facebook Group

Monday Apr 27, 2020
75: Losing Your Patience?
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
We're still quarantining! It's difficult to be stuck in the same spaces, with the same people, day after day. So how do you cope when you lose your patience with them? In this episode, we talk about the strategies we use when we lose our patience with our kids and each other right now. If you are in cramped quarters with people you're close to, you don't want to miss this episode.
If you prefer to watch rather than just listen, subscribe to our YouTube channel NOW! We started recording full episodes and you'll be able to watch us interact with each other and with you! Closed Captioning available. You can subscribe here: YouTube Channel - Success In Black and White.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
74: Take Advantage Of This Opportunity
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
During this time of social distancing, we are exhausted, drained, and a little worried. But we are also taking advantage of this opportunity that has been dropped in our lap to do the things we've been saying for years we need to do! Find out what we're talking about in this episode.
If you prefer to watch rather than just listen, subscribe to our YouTube channel NOW! We started recording full episodes and you'll be able to watch us interact with each other and with you! Closed Captioning available. You can subscribe here: YouTube Channel - Success In Black and White.

Monday Apr 13, 2020
73: Focus vs. Control
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Heading into week 5(?) of social distancing, we discuss how we're living during these times, including one of Darryl's main strategies: Don't focus on what you can control. What if you can't even focus?? Instead, work on focus and control separately. Tune in to learn more about this incredibly perceptive strategy to manage your stress and anxiety and to continue to be productive in unlikely environments.
If you prefer to watch rather than just listen, subscribe to our YouTube channel NOW! We started recording full episodes and you'll be able to watch us interact with each other and with you! Closed Captioning available. You can subscribe here: YouTube Channel - Success In Black and White.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
72: Real Talk - Working From Home, Relationships and More
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
It has been 3 weeks since we've been able to record! With all the craziness happening in the world around us, we wanted to get a chance to talk about what's on our minds and how we've been dealing with this new, temporary normal. You dont want to miss this unplanned and candid conversation. You'll be able to relate, but don't worry, we're not talking about anything doom and gloom!
If you prefer to watch rather than just listen, subscribe to our YouTube channel NOW! We started recording full episodes and you'll be able to watch us interact with each other and with you! Closed Captioning available. You can subscribe here: YouTube Channel - Success In Black and White.
Don't forget to follow us via social media for more motivation, leadership & success tips, and a view into our everyday lives. Darryl: @iamdarryllovett on all platforms; April: @aprildawnlovett on all platforms.
NEW: We've create an online community for interracial couples and multiracial families! Join our community here: Facebook Group

Monday Mar 09, 2020
71: Dealing With A Heavy Workload
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Article referenced: Harvard Business Review: Heavy Workloads
Podcast episode referenced: Episode 42: It's Your Job to Do The Dishes